History of Craig Memorial
Craig Memorial Community church was founded in 1944, by the late Reverend Ernest Craig. This church was founded on faith and the love of God. The church was originally named Chapel Oaks Community Church, but was changed in 1963 to Craig Memorial Community Church, in honor of its founding Pastor.
In the beginning, services were held in an elementary school in Fairmont Heights, Maryland, with a small number of faithful and dedicated members. Reverend and Mrs. Craig spread the news throughout the community by knocking on doors and telling everyone who would listen that a new church was holding services and all were welcome. He let the Chapel Oaks Community know that the church was there for them.
God has sent several Mighty Men of God to continue to Pastor over this house of Zion. Rev. Leroy Pailen 1963-1973, Rev. Cecil Thompson 1974-1977, Rev. Louis Miller 1978-1980, Rev. Earl B .Day 1982-1990, under the leadership of Rev. Earl B. Day, and the dedication of the membership, the mortgage for the church was paid off, and a mortgage ceremony was held to the Glory of God.
In 1990, the church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, called Rev. Claude R. Swanson, Sr.to serve as Pastor. Rev. Swanson recognized the need for additional space. In 1998, once again the Lord smiled on Craig Memorial and we were blessed with an additional parking lot and new Fellowship Hall, to include a kitchen, storage rooms, office space and executive conference room.
Now under the pastorate of Rev. Sherwood A. Walker, Craig Memorial is here to serve the community’s physical and spiritual needs. Trusting God and our pastor, we have become a community of faith, belief and trust. We have been rewarded spiritually and in so many other ways, simply because we have trusted in His Holy Word.
The vision of Craig Memorial Community Church is to provide a place where all people may come together and worship the true and living God through our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ; to build a ministry that will serve the needs of the people, and to enhance the surrounding communities in Prince Georges County. In addition, develop programs whereby Craig Memorial will become an integral part of the community of Chapel Oaks.
We welcome you to come and join this family of love as we serve mankind through the blessings of our Lord and Savior, Jesus The Christ.